Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Coffee

So I wake up this morning to my three year old (Caleb) receiving some discipline from daddy. Apparently, Caleb went into our bathroom and poured Comet all over the bathroom floor. Yesterday he combined A&D ointment and Burts Bees foot lotion into a glass of water and made a stinkin mess! Today, daddy was sick of this so he was disciplining our little Caleb. While the disciplining goes on I make a quick exit from the bedroom in search of my morning coffee.

I came into the kitchen where Hans had already been spending some time, only to find the coffee pot empty. Empty? Doesn't he know that while he gets to leave and go to work I have a fun filled day where I get to "discipline" Caleb all day long? There's absolutely no way to start a day where six children are involved without my morning coffee. My coffee is like fuel to get me through the day, or it least the first half, then I rely on nap time. I do what any desperate mom would do, and without even brushing my teeth I run to the overpriced neighborhood store to pay $6 for a $3 bag of coffee. On my way out the door I see that Zac has left his lunch and decide to take it to him on the way.

While driving to the store, I must admit I am feeling rather dreadful about starting my day. I like to have some alone time with God and Hans before entering into my chaotic day. Already Caleb is up and running, and Hans is headed in early for a meeting. I'm feeling a little sad that I don't get my alone time with either of my favorite guys.

After purchasing the coffee, I make a quick park of the car and a run into Zac's school with his lunch. The sweet lady in the office calls Zac down to pick up his lunch. I'm waiting for my Zac who comes trotting down the hall in his school uniform (khaki shorts and a polo shirt with an over sized jean jacket on). The jacket is so huge you can hardly tell he has shorts on.. He looks a little dorky, but oh so precious. He greets me with a sweet smile and a kiss. He then thanks me for bringing his lunch and he quickly runs back to class.

I'm just kinda frozen watching my little Z man and loving him like only a mama can. You know the kinda moment I'm having, right? Just a simple moment, where you stand in awe of your life and love it so much, and have such love and gratitude to the one who gave you such beautiful life.

As I made my way slowly back to the car, I realize how God had so graciously met me in my moment. He actually created it for me and helped me to see I didn't miss meeting with him after all. You see, in this moment God spoke a clear message to my heart, right when I needed it.

When I come to him looking rather dorky, but oh so precious to him, he loves me perfectly, like only a daddy can. He has moments with me, like I did with my Zac, constantly. He loves me sooooo incredibly much in every moment. God doesn't even need a cup of coffee to survive a morning with me, his love is enough.

WOW, thanks daddy God. Thanks for loving dorky little me. Thank you for speaking your love over me this morning. Help me God to hear your voice in all of my circumstances, as I suspect you speak way more than I am hearing.

This was the true fuel that I needed that morning, Gods perfect love, and then I had a huge cup of coffee.


stephanie said...

those are the good times...we should reflect on that more often, huh? do you know june cleaver? i have been reading her blog for months! she's funny!
soon i will start my own blog so i don't have to leave comments as aunt stephanie anymore.
have a great day!

Lorren Says... said...

Wow! I loved reading that! What a great message. Keep it up! Love you.

Angie said...

I love the title of your blog. That is how I feel about my whole life!

Jenn said...

hi star! what a wonderful story to end my day with. i was reading lorren's blog then came over to read yours. i love your coffee story. thanks for sharing and your great message.
- Jenn