Monday, October 22, 2007


Not to long ago I went to a bible study at our church. Its super laid back and designed for moms. No pressure, come when you can, nothing to prepare, and there's food!!

We had a little project where we cut out of magazines things that best described us and glued them to a piece of paper. Well, while the women were working on this I was nursing Cal, but loved seeing all of the different collages and wanted to make one. My friends were laughing at me cause while everyone was done and cleaning up I was trying to finish mine. I loved this little project. My collage had a huge cup of coffee on it, a cut out of children all similar in age to my own, a washing machine, something that said simple solutions, and weight loss. You get the picture...right?

When I got home I couldn't wait to show H my little project. He was not as excited about it as I was. A few days later it caught my eye and I picked it up and just looked at it. I liked looking at it. Here on this piece of paper was my life and it was so cute. Even the washing machine was pretty cute (only because it wasn't mine). MY washing machine sounds like it's preparing for take off somewhere into the unknown. This was a fancy front loader where I could do 5 days worth of laundry in 1 load. A dream machine.

Anyway, at our couples small group last week H had us get an index card and in three minutes write out who we are and then read it to our group. Again I'm thinking what a cute lil' project. I love that God has me in a place where I am able to love who he has created me to be. Not that my life is perfect or even close it's actually quite chaotic. Not that I have all of the answers cause most days I feel as though I have none. And not that it's all joy and laughter cause truth be told there is alot of hair pulling, fit throwing, biting, tears and even some kicking and screaming, and that's just H and I.

Like my collage I found myself rereading my little index card and thinking this is my life and best I can I sorda like it in fact I think I love it. Here is what I wrote.....I am a 33 year old woman. I am a wife to Hans and mother to Kylie, Zac, Ryland, Caleb, Tinslee and Calvin. I love thunderstorm, fires, and bublebaths. I love to read, blog, and jog( I am also obviously a poet). I love, love, love, coffee. I admire Queen Esther and how God choose her for a specific purpose at a specific time to do and be exactly what he created her for. I love that she stood in spite of her fear to save her people. I am passionate, compassionate, and a lover of people. My heart aches for people who die because they don't have enough food to eat. I am a woman with a passion and deep desire to pray for broken hurting marriages because I have experienced death/resurrection in my own. I am a daughter to the KING of KINGS!!

Thank you God for choosing me for my life. Thank you for giving me Hans and each of my children. Thank you for even my struggles/failures without them I would not be the woman I am today. Thank you God for being my father, for loving me perfectly. Thank you for being the controller of the universe and still having the time to manage my life even though some days I think I could do a better job.


stephanie said...

Nice to be in a place to actually think about Who you are. Even incuding how that relates to your family because that is a huge part of who you are, it is just really cool to stop and define YOU. Maybe I will do that today.

And I love the part about the washer. I have a deep seated secret desire to own one of those front loaders and have a really potterybarnish utility room. (the opposite of what I have now) I think you've inspired a post from me on that subject.

Lorren Says... said...

I'm loving Caleb's face in this picture, he's having fun! It's been great knowing you these 7 years and seeing how you've grown and changed into who you are today! I've learned so much from you and continue to the longer I know you. :)