Monday, October 1, 2007

His Mercies are New Everyday

I love my children, I really do. What I do not love is waking up at 6am with one of them in my face, can I get an amen??

ME: sleeping peacefully at 6am

CALEB: whispering-tapping me- hey mommy, mommy

ME: waking up very annoyed- What Caleb?(doesn't this kid know it's practically the middle of the night?)

CALEB: still whispering-Hey mommy I need to ask you sompen?

ME: thinking- his room better be on fire or something.

CALEB: holding a pair of goggles- R deese my goggles?

ME: Is he kidding? Silent Prayer- Lord I know its only 6am, but is it possible to get some of tomorrows mercies today?


Lorren Says... said...

Oh Caleb, you crack me up. Now where did you put my keys?

stephanie said...

you got your AMEN!! goggles at 6 am? like you, i was thinking fire, blood or puke. well, at least there was no tragedy of that nature to deal with before your coffee.

well said! we need that mercy!